
Single-Sign-On for Zope & Plone in Windows Domains

Submitted by Hannes Schmidt on Sat, 12/18/2004 - 14:22.
Single-Sign-On for Zope & Plone in Windows Domains: SSO
Single-Sign-On for Zope & Plone in Windows Domains: Remote User Folder

One of my clients runs his own intranet for his employees. The intranet currently consists of a bunch of static HTML pages which are written and maintained by a single editor. This approach might have been sufficient five years ago but as the intranet grew it became apparent that the static HTML would become unmanageable in the near future. I therefore suggested replacing the existing solution with a community-oriented CMS. Due to certain requirements the set of contestants was cut down to two: Drupal and Plone. I favored Plone because a) I am slightly disappointed with the direction and pace that Drupal’s development has recently taken and b) I wanted to learn Zope and Plone anyway.

( categories: Zope/Plone | Webmaster )
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